RPA Blueprism & Automation Online Training Course

Digital strategies are becoming more and more common among the entrepreneurs. There are actually several organizations that have started adopting them to get the results in a manner no one expected till date. You might have no idea but the fact is automation is one of the perfect instances of those strategies. It is very much true that present-day work environments in the organizations are quite different than they were a few years ago. Due to factors such as competition, there are many tasks have become challenging and the businesses are not able to overcome them in a delightful manner. Automation seems to be a true solution to all those issues and because it is totally based on digitalization, there are certain tasks that can easily be accomplished. Blue Prism Version 6 is capable to handle a lot of tasks in a very reliable manner and without making the organizations invest in bulk. One of the best things is it can easily be integrated with the business operations for the empowerment of the same. Blue Prism simply makes sure that the tasks can be handled in a secure and a fast manner. Check out some useful information about the Blue Prism V6 in below paragraphs.



Digital strategies are becoming more and more common among the entrepreneurs. There are actually several organizations that have started adopting them to get the results in a manner no one expected till date. You might have no idea but the fact is automation is one of the perfect instances of those strategies. It is very much true that present-day work environments in the organizations are quite different than they were a few years ago. Due to factors such as competition, there are many tasks have become challenging and the businesses are not able to overcome them in a delightful manner. Automation seems to be a true solution to all those issues and because it is totally based on digitalization, there are certain tasks that can easily be accomplished. Blue Prism Version 6 is capable to handle a lot of tasks in a very reliable manner and without making the organizations invest in bulk. One of the best things is it can easily be integrated with the business operations for the empowerment of the same. Blue Prism simply makes sure that the tasks can be handled in a secure and a fast manner. Check out some useful information about the Blue Prism V6 in below paragraphs.


Robotic Process Automation training objectives:

  • UI Automation
  • Desktop Automation
  • Web Automation.

Blue Prism is highly efficient and it has a ton of improvements as compared to all the previous versions. One of the best things is a whole new set of features have been blended with the existing ones to simply make sure of error-free outcomes. It is the only version in Blue Prism through which the robotic workforce can be deployed on a very large and can also be customized up to a great extent.

  • There are several unique features and integration in this version for which it can easily be trusted for building an allure digital workforce.
  • All the tasks with very strict compliance, as well as needs in automation can simply be accomplished
  • It is free from all the compatibility issues and frequent crashing of some important processes that were created using the third-party tools than the default ones. The same has been improved up to an excellent extent
  • There is now a guide and support available in a better and easy-to-understand manner for those who handle Blue Prism for the very first time


Who can Join?

  • Analysts
  • Business Process Employees
  • IT Professionals
  • End Users
  • Aspirants aiming for a career in the prospective field.


RPA Online Training Course Content

RPA Introduction

  • Introduction to RPA & RDA
  • RPA in BPM Concept
  • BPM Vs RPA with example
  • Different RPA Tools & Comparison
  • Use Cases of Automation
  • Blue Prism Tool Introduction
  • Lifecycle of Auotmation Project, Roles & Responsibilities

Flow Charts

  • Design
  • Draw flow chart and diagrams
  • Inputs and Outputs

Process Studio

  • Running a Process
  • Basic Skills
  • Process Validation
  • Decsion Stage
  • Calculation Stage
  • Data Items

Process Flow

  • Circular Paths
  • Set Next Satge
  • Breakpoints
  • Collections & Loops
  • Pages for Organisation

Inputs & Outputs

  • Input Parameters
  • Stepping and Pages
  • Data Item Visibility
  • Data Types
  • Output Parameters
  • Start Up Parameters
  • Control Room
  • Process Outputs

Object Studio

  • Creating a Business Objects
  • Application Modeller
  • Spying Elements
  • Attributes
  • Attribute Selection
  • Launch
  • Wait
  • Timeouts
  • Terminate
  • Write
  • Press
  • Attach & Detach
  • Read
  • Actions
  • Action Inputs & Outputs
  • Data Item as Inputs

Error Management

  • Recover & Resume
  • Throwing Exceptions
  • Preserving the current exceptions
  • Exception Bubbling
  • Exception blocks

Queue Management

  • Work Queues
  • Queue Items
  • Work Queue Configuration

Additional Features

  • Collection Actions
  • Choice Stage
  • Logging
  • Log Viewer
  • System Manager
  • Process Grouping
  • Export & Import

Release Manager

  • Package creation
  • Release of Process/Objects/Packages

Advanced Features

  • Data Item Initialization
  • Data Item Exposer(Environment Variables)
  • Casting
  • Code Stage
  • Initialize and clean up
  • Attribute Match Types
  • Dynamic Attributes
  • Active Accessibility
  • Global Clicks & Keys
  • Credentials

Advance Concepts

  • Surface Automation
  • Web Service based application
  • Certification Accredation preparation
  • Match Index & Match Reverse

About Trainer

  • Having 11+ years of experience in the Industry
  • Working as a Senior Software Engineer
  • 4 years of experience in RPA & BluePrism